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The best upcoming Batman movie isn’t about the Dark Knight

by Chris Snelgrove
| published

Right now, fans of the Caped Crusader are eating well: the Penguin Matt Reeves spin-off The Batman proved to be a monster hit, and the acclaimed director is hard at work on his sophomore superhero release. Meanwhile, even more Batman movies are on the horizon courtesy of James Gunn, the visionary behind his DCU superman The movie trailer gives us an idea of ​​what he and his team can do with the Dark Knight. But the best upcoming film won’t be about Batman: Mike Flanagan’s Clayface has been greenlit, and like Penguin show, this will serve as a deep dive into one of the Bat’s biggest baddies.

The Penguin led to the movie Clayface

Understandably, Warner Bros. was waiting to see what reception it would get The penguin There was a feature film that focused on a completely different Batman foe. initially, The penguin Seems quite a gamble; Making a Batman villain show without Batman seems as crazy as Sony making a series of Spider-Man villain movies without everyone’s favorite web-head. fortunately, The penguin was a monster hit with fans and critics alike, and it gave the studio the confidence to greenlight a Clayface film written by Mike Flanagan.

Mike Flanagan’s History of Horror

Currently, Flanagan is the only name attached to the project, and he will only handle the script. For horror fans, though, it’s Flanagan’s involvement on every level that makes this Clayface film so exciting: on the big screen, he’s responsible for directing terrifying hits like Oculus, silenceand Dr. Sleep. On the small screen, he has been the showrunner of several must-sees influx TV, incl The Haunting of the Hill House and midnight mass.

We still don’t have many official details about the Clayface movie other than its release date: Warner Bros. is set to release the film on September 11, 2026. But Flanagan’s involvement strongly hints at it being a horror film. In addition to his aforementioned genre resume, his next big projects include a new direction exorcist Film and work of A curry show for Amazon Based on the novel by Stephen King. Clever, moody horror is what the man does, and it really makes it easier to know that James Gunn’s upcoming DCU will explore other genres instead of using the DCEU strategy (aka “make it like wonder But infinitely worse).

Is the Clayface movie in the DCU?

Speaking of Gunn, it’s still unclear if the Clayface movie will take place in the DCU itself or, like The penguinTake place in the separate universe of The Batman. We also don’t yet know the exact comic version of Clayface that the film will be working on, though it will likely be based most directly on the pathos version of Batman: The Animated Series. This incarnation was played to hilarious perfection by Alan Tudyk Harley Quinn animated series, but we can’t help but expect a horror film that focuses on the more serious aspects of this shape-shifting actor-turned-criminal.

It is possible clay and more D.C Movies under James Gunn’s supervision will flop, of course, and the players involved may want their own shape-shifting abilities if this latest attempt at a cinematic universe crashes and burns. As of right now, however, Warner Bros. has a recent track record of huge success with The Batman and The penguinAnd they have a horror legend writing a movie about the forced crusader’s most misunderstood nemesis. As huge fans of The Dark Knight, we’re hyped beyond belief, and we can only hope for a cinematic superhero renaissance that makes the DCEU a distant, painful memory.

source: diverse

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