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1 No-Brainer Vanguard Dividend ETF stock price history

Company recommendations Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (NYSEMKT: VYM) it has a yield of 2.7%. This may not sound like a high yield, but it is more than twice the amount of stocks in the The value of the S&P500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC)which is giving a little under 1.2%. That comparison is interesting in a way, and it shows the value that the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF offers — even if you only have $200 to invest right now.

The first thing investors need to understand is everything stock market (ETF) purchases are an investment strategy. This is an investment, so you are hiring someone to help you. You have to make sure you know what they are doing.

Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF – a large fund, which shows the efficiency of the investment in the shares of this company. That’s the index FTSE High Dividend Yield Index.

A man has his arms outstretched as if weighing his options.
Photo gallery: Getty Images.

The FTSE High Dividend Yield Index is simple. The first step in creating this plan is to select all companies that pay dividends on US sales. The second step is to establish all the companies by productivity, from high to low. The third step is to include the 50% who are most tolerant of referrals.

The index is heavily market-weighted, so the largest stocks have a significant impact on performance. This is easy to understand and focuses investors on high yielding stocks. The total cost is less than 0.06% the amount of money.

Some dividend investors may complain at this point, wondering if an ETF designed to buy high-yielding stocks could have a yield that appears to be relatively low on the balance sheet. The answer comes from the number of stocks included in the portfolio.

Like the S&P 500, the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF consists of about 500 stocks. Although they all pay dividends, the index it tracks tends to fall back on the yields of all dividend-paying stocks. It has nothing to do, because of the high number of shares that pay dividends.

SPY Total Return Price Chart
Data by YCharts.

But here’s an interesting fact: Until very few companies began to dominate the S&P 500’s, the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF tracked the market very well, as shown in the chart. Considering the variety of colors it has, it’s not surprising. This shows that, for stock investors, this ETF can be converted to the S&P 500 as a major stock index. Now may be a good time to consider a change, given the forces driving the S&P 500 today.

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